Grahini who wants to know.......

Are You a Financially Confident Woman?

Living Generously

Budgeting in Six Easy Steps

Save on Groceries

Preparing Your Family Budget

How to establish a good credit

Marriage and Money

His and her money

Financial Fitness

Managing your Plastic

Financial Planning

Are you a financially confident woman

Take the Test!

This self-diagnostic test will give you helpful (maybe surprising) insights into your "financial responsibility index." Answer true or false:

1. I have no real idea of my income, expenses, or net worth.
2. I don't have the discipline to be good with money.
3. I am near, at, or over the limit on my credit cards.
4. I've bounced more than three checks in the past year.
5. I often use this month's income to cover last month's bills.
6. I can't imagine living without credit.
7. I've never been concerned about money because my spouse takes care of it.
8. I worry about money quite a bit.
9. I hide the mail.
10. I don't have a formal savings program.
11. If I just had more money, I'd be fine.
12. I have lied to my spouse or creditors about making payments.
13. I know I should give money to charity, but there isn't enough right now.
14. I've taken a cash advance on one credit card to make the payment on another.

0 True - You are a financially responsible person, and my heroine.
1-2 True - You are basically responsible, but should consider these red flags.
3-5 True - You are definitely headed down the road to financial trouble.
6+ True - You are in imminent danger of financial meltdown. Get help now!

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